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It's Not What You Do...

it’s how you do it.

I encountered a young couple on my walk yesterday evening. When I asked what they were engaged in, the young man spoke of his job at a bank as if it was of no consequence, and said his wife worked at a coffee shop.

My immediate reply was “It’s not about what you’re doing, it’s about how you do it—and how you’re being.” “Look at you,” I said, there’s so much Light radiating from your faces! That’s what attracted me to you.”

And I want you to know this, too.

In Cosmic terms, we’re valued not by human standards: the amount of wealth accumulated, awards garnered, the accolades of man—but by the quality of Light (or we can call it goodness) we bring into the environment in which we function.

There’s no such thing as denigrating any particular position as ‘just a ____.’ Every position needs to be filled by someone for the community to function effectively, and most of the positions are humble ones: janitors, cashiers, waitresses, bank tellers, file clerks, stock boys, dishwashers, salespeople, bus drivers, garbagemen, housecleaners, line-workers, the list goes on—and on and on and on. Because most of the work that needs to be done is of a humble nature—maintaining the clock-work of society. How could a restaurant function without a dishwasher? A city without garbage collectors? They couldn’t.

But the stars of that realm—and there are many—that may or may not be given the recognition they deserve, are those that bring their Light to the party: those with a pleasant demeanor, a kind word, a caring attitude. Those that make you feel good just by engaging with them.

This is what makes a difference in the world—not the diamonds we may sport, or the awards gathering dust on some shelf—but the way we interact with others and the loving-kindness we express. Because there’s so little of that in the world that a single sentence can elicit (my favorite expression) “You made my day” from someone—and that uplifting moment can change a life in a way nothing else can.

So remember: wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, do it with a smile on your face, in a cooperative manner, with a full heart and good cheer. Bring your Light to the party, and see how the world changes around you.

And if you need a little Loving yourself, here's (Pecha Kucha) a good place to begin. Then once you fill yourself up, you'll be de-Light-ed to share that with the world.

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